This Walking in the Light Bible Game is a great supplemental activity for a Bible lesson about the Days of Creation. It’s easy to create and implement in your Sunday School class. Your kiddos will have fun moving around as they practice sorting between light and dark choices, following directions, gross motor development, and growing their problem-solving skills! Keep scrolling for free light and dark cutouts to along with this Bible Game.

- Lightbulb cutouts (1 lightbulb for each child)
- dark circles (1 dark circle for each child)
- contact paper
- Cut out the lightbulbs and dark circles.
- Scatter the lightbulbs and dark circles (in random order) across the room.
- Attach the cards with clear contact paper to keep them in place.
- The leader will call out a way of Walking in the Light, (“reading God’s Word, praying, going to church, telling others about Jesus, etc).
The learners will jump from lightbulb to lightbulb.
- However, when the leader calls out ways of Walking in darkness, “breaking a promise, saying bad words, not telling the truth, jealousy, etc., learners will quickly jump to a dark circle.
- Say, “God created the world. The world was dark. God created light to shine in the dark.”
Inclusivity Tip:
- Give learners a flashlight. When an action is called, have learners switch the power “on” when “Walking in the Light” and “off” when “Walking in Darkness.”
Walking in the Light Bible Game (Click the image to download and/or print). No email is required.
Days of Creation Bible Lesson for Special Needs Ministry
Included Material
- Days of Created Adapted Bible Lesson: Level 2
- Days of Creation Bible Story with Symbol Supports
- Bible Verse: Genesis 1:1 NIV and ASL Bible Sing-Along Video
- Stained Glass Earth Bible Visual Craft
- Bible Game about Walking in the Light
- Creation Snack Mix Visual Recipe | Cooking Recipe for Sunday School
- Prayer Prompts (Coming Soon)
- Play Dough Mats (Coming Soon)
- Sensory Bin (Coming Soon)
- Coloring Pages
Supporting Material
Royal Kidz Adapted Bible Curriculum:
Our Special Needs Ministry resources are designed to provide churches, parents, and schools with Christ-centered adapted Bible resources, tools, and training to help disciple learners of ALL abilities to be engaged while learning God’s Royal Adventure through the Bible. Click here to learn more about our Adapted Bible Curriculum and Scope and Sequence.
Now it’s your turn!
Have you tried using Bible Visual Crafts in your Special Needs Ministry? We would love to see your child’s beautiful creations! Let us know in the comments or tag us on social media at @royalkidzco